MALMITALO GALLERY | Anu Perkkiö: Tuli(ja) 31 October – 23 November, 2024

The opening of the exhibition by Anu Perkkiö takes place at Malmitalo Gallery on Wednesday, October 30, at 5 pm! The exhibition runs from 31 October until 23 November 2024. You are warmly welcome! 

Image: Anu Perkkiö – Henkeen ja vereen (2024), pastel on board, 24x28cm   

Anu Perkkiö: Tuli(ja) 

Tuli(ja) refers to both the belief in the will-o'-the-wisp, which served as the foundation for the exhibition, and to the arriving person, such as a passerby. 

The overall theme explores the experiences of individuals and communities through universal beliefs. The works play with various characters and creatures that appear in multilayered ways in paintings and drawings.

The will-o'-the-wisp, known as aarnivalkea in Finnish, is described as a faint, floating light phenomenon (Institute for the Languages of Finland, n.d.). It has been observed especially near bodies of water, marshes, and bogs. The physical explanation for these lights relates to marsh gases produced as organic matter decomposes (Finnish Meteorological Institute, n.d.).

In folklore, the will-o'-the-wisp is believed to either guide one to treasure or lead a traveler astray. In many traditions, treasures are guarded by different spirit beings; in Finnish folklore, these include the aarni and kratti (Tiitola, 2014).

Perkkiö highlights how fascinating it is for people to create oral traditions about their beliefs and experiences, and how similar stories can be found all over the world. For example, in Japan, there is a similar belief about finding or losing a treasure, but instead of the treasure fire, it involves a burning nine-tailed fox.



Finnish Meteorological Institute. (Ilmatieteenlaitos) (n.d.). Ilmakehä-ABC. Haettu 14.9.2024.

Institute for the Languages of Finland. (Kotimaisten kielten keskus.) (n.d.). Kielitoimiston sanakirja. Haettu 22.9.2024.

Tiitola. 2014. Suomalainen suolla – suon kulttuurisista ja symbolisista merkityksistä. Luontoliitto. Viitattu 22.9.2024.


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