ARABIANRANTA LIBRARY | Marja Hakala: Characters of Humans August 3 – September 30, 2022

Image: Elämänmenoa (2018), Marja Hakala   

Marja Hakala's exhibition Characters of Humans at Arabianranta Library August 3 – September 30, 2022!    

"During our lives, we go here and there and often rush past each other in the tube, sometimes without noticing and then again on purpose. In any case, the road must be traveled, no matter who, in what form, in what body.– –   The human form is fascinating. I've tried to get some sort of grip on it by practicing croquis drawing (3 min poses) in the Heavenly Academy group founded by Outi Heiskanen. Some always fail, but you can cut "paper dolls" out of them and use painting bases. This is how the central work of this exhibition has been formed.  In slower model sessions (2 h) you can paint larger pictures. And continue them as mythical characters." 


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