GALLERY KATARIINA | Inkeri Makkonen: My Dear Diary! Paintings from Autumn to Autumn 15 September – 8 October, 2023

Gallery Katariina presents Inkeri Makkonen's exhibition My Dear Diary! Paintings from Autumn to Autumn 15 September – 8 October, 2023.

Welcome to the exhibition opening on Thursday, 14 September 5–7pm!  

Image: Inkeri Makkonen – My home is a nest of the wind (free translation), 56x77 cm, mixed media on rag paper, 2023


Inkeri Makkonen: My Dear Diary! Paintings from Autumn to Autumn 

Inkeri Makkonen paints landscapes – allegories, states of mind, reflections. They are portraits of herself. For her exhibition she has chosen a series of works from autumn 2022 to autumn 2023.  

The names of the paintings come about spontaneously as she works and refers to the process she is going through while working. Makkonen explains: “The portrait which has come through me, is in many ways connected to the world around me, its events and part of it.”   

Makkonen paints mainly with homemade oil pastels. With the primers they are mixed media paintings.   

Inkeri Makkonen's work has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. 


Gallery Katariina, Rikhardinkatu 1, 00130 Helsinki

Open Tue–Fri 11–5 pm, Sat–Sun 12–4 pm (n.b. with artist's attendance Sept. 28)



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