MALMITALO GALLERY | Anna Emilia Järvinen: High Society Stagger 25 January – 17 February, 2024

Malmitalo gallery presents the exhibition High Society Stagger by Anna Emilia Järvinen 25 January – 17 February, 2024. Welcome to the exhibition opening on Wednesday, 24 January 5–7pm!

Image: Anna Emilia Järvinen – Jakkara (Stool)

Anna Emilia Järvinen: High Society Stagger

Anna Emilia Järvinen (born in 1990 in Oulu, currently residing and working in Helsinki) presents an exhibition featuring expressive, intuitive, and subtly ironic mixed media pieces. Järvinen's artistic approach is marked by fearlessness, unpretentiousness, and a profound sense of defiance and curiosity that reflects the contradictions inherent in life.

Through her creations, Järvinen delves into the overlooked human dignity of our era and the widening class disparities. She emphasizes the futility of condescension, recognizing that not everyone begins from the same point. Where has the love for one's neighbor vanished?

The narratives within the artworks are authentic.

The exhibition has received support from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the City of Helsinki, and the Helsinki Artists' Association.

Malmitalo gallery
Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00700 Helsinki
Mon–Thu 8–8 pm, Fri 8–6 pm, Sat 10–4 pm


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