GALLERY KATARIINA | Tero Puha: Two Divided by Zero 26 April –19 May, 2024

Gallery Katariina is delighted to present the exhibition Two Divided by Zero by Tero Puha 26 April – 19 May, 2024.

We warmly invite you to the exhibition opening on Thursday, 25 April, from 5 to 7 pm!

Image: Tero Puha

Tero Puha: Two Divided by Zero – photographic works and a short film

When I was a teenager and young adult in the 1980s and 90s, I didn't think much about death. It wouldn't affect me: young people were unlikely to die. The only threat to my life going forward was a dangerous virus that would cause uncontrollable progression of disease and almost certain, often painful death. You could get this virus if you enjoyed your sexuality and your body, or perhaps just simply if you loved. Therefore, you should avoid contracting the virus at all costs.

In our western society we are focused on improving and optimising our physical existence. We do not think about death, nor do we want to talk about it until we absolutely have to. No one can know for sure what happens after we die. We know, of course, that the body will be destroyed without the functioning of our major organs. We cannot remember our birth, but will we ever be able to become aware of our death? Will we then each get a personal answer to this greatest mystery of humanity? If we die and disappear completely, will the answer even matter if we cannot register it?

Many random factors beyond our control determine where and what kind of people we are born into this world. Each of us is our own individual. As a result of cell division, a new, unique human being is programmed to emerge, following a precise DNA recipe. It is an incredible collection of muscles, blood vessels, nervous system, internal organs, brain cells and bones that form in a specific pattern. What makes that pile of flesh human? Where does the self, the awareness of self, reside? Do we have a soul, without which man is just an unconscious autonomous system?

The photographs in Two Divided by Zero are the result of these reflections. The title of the exhibition refers to the mathematical equation that results in “infinity” or “error”. It also refers to a kind of equilibrium or its impossibility.

Tero Puha (b. 1971) is a versatile visual artist whose body of work includes photo exhibitions, portfolios, books, performances, short films, stage productions, and graphic art. Throughout his career, he has consistently explored the central theme of modern male identity through a multidisciplinary approach. In the realm of contemporary art, Puha is recognized for his multi-art compositions that combine various image manipulations, graphic elements, and performance art. In recent years, he has increasingly focused on filmmaking.

Puha's works are held in prestigious public collections in Finland, including the National Gallery/Contemporary Art Museum Kiasma, the Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki Art Museum HAM, and EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, as well as museum collections in Denmark and Japan. In 2014, Puha received the State Prize for Photography, and in 2019, he was honoured with the Konstiniekka Culture Prize from the municipality of Nurmijärvi.

The artist's work has been supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and AVEK.

Gallery Katariina, Rikhardinkatu 1, 00130 Helsinki Open Tue–Fri 11–5 pm, Sat–Sun 12–4 pm


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