Support your local artist – lend unique art

General information
Art can be acquired from the Art Lending services either with a single payment or with a monthly rent. The rent is determined by the selling price of the work, and the first instalment is paid when renting the work. Once the full price of the piece has been paid, the ownership of the work is transferred from the artist to the purchaser. The work can be returned to the Art Lending services at any time.
The diverse selection of the Art Lending services can be browsed online at Works can be browsed using different search criteria, such as the artist’s surname, the piece’s colour, size, or theme etc.
Additionally, the Art Lending services have a broad selection of pieces stored by the artists that the customers can order to be viewed at the Art Lending services.
As for large pieces, visits at the artists’ studios or warehouses are arranged. The diverse selection and ease of conduct encourage our customers to explore different types of art and make surprising and bold choices.
The Helsinki Artists’ Association Art Lending services were founded in 1995 in co-operation with the Helsinki City Library. The Art Lending services operate on the ground floor of the architectorally stunning Rikhardinkatu Library and in close collaboration with the Library personnel organising e.g. joint exhibitions and events. The two gallery spaces operating at the premises of the Library and the Art Lending services, Gallery Rikhard and Gallery Arthur, present exhibitions of HAA members with a monthly rotation.
Private customers
Get unique art effortlessly and support your local artists! Art lending makes it easy to purchase high-quality visual art accessibly. Art lending is carried out on a monthly rent basis, and the loan contract is made on a non-fixed term basis. The customer may return the loaned piece to the Art Lending services at any time, thus ending the loan period immediately. If the customer decides to keep the work, they commit to paying the monthly instalment and following the Art Lending rules throughout the entire loan period, until the work has been either returned or paid in full.
The monthly instalment of the work of art is determined by its full price. The loan period for non-framed graphic prints, drawings, and photographs is one month, after which they must be either returned, or the customer commits to eventually paying them in full. The paying conditions are still the same as usual in the Art Lending services. The monthly instalment is paid in advance.
Business customers
Art Lending serves business customers in a flexible and versatile manner in matters regarding art lending and art purchases offering e.g. designing services and exhibition services.
With the search function of the Art Lending website, companies can browse the selection in advance and, thus, select the ideal pieces to their facilities. Companies may rent or purchase individual pieces or rent personified exhibition services. The designing services includes the Helsinki Artists’ Association member artists’ visits to the companies facilities and proposals for works of art. Companies may rent or purchase individual works of art or rent customised exhibition services.
The exhibition services include a consulting and planning visit as well as the agreed set of exhibitions: selected pieces and the implementation (packing, transporting, hanging, and taking off the works of art) at the company’s facilities for a period of one month or longer. If the company decides to arrange an opening or event in connection to the exhibition, the artist or a representative of Art Lending can present the exhibition during the event.
The monthly price is determined by the total price of the work. As for non-framed prints and drawings, the lending time is one month. If the customer wants to return this type of work, it must be done within the first month. Otherwise, they commit to purchasing the piece. The terms of payment are the same. The monthly price must be paid in advance.
Total price of the work | Monthly price
- 1–600 € | 20 € / month
- 601–1 200 € | 40 € / month
- 1 201–1 800 € | 60 € / month
- 1 801–2 400 € | 80 € / month
- 2 401–3 000 € | 100 € / month
- 3 001–3 600 € | 120 € / month
- 3 601–4 500 € | 150 € / month
- 4 501–5 400 € | 180 € / month
- 5 401–6 000 € | 200 € / month
The customer is in charge of the loaned work of art and obligated to reimburse for the artist any damages to the work caused during the loan period. The works are loaned from the Art Lending services in the condition that they are in at the time of loaning.
Art lending exhibitions
Contact information
t. +358 50 470 5298
Rikhardinkatu 3, 00130 Helsinki
Gallery Rikhard | Rikhardinkatu Library lobby
open during the Rikhardinkatu Library opening hours
Gallery Arthur | Helsinki Artists’ Association Art Lending
Mon closed
Tue–Fri 12–6pm
Sat–Sun 12–4pm
Also welcome to visit our mini office at HAA Gallery in Suomenlinna!
The Helsinki Artists’ Association has a mini Art Lending office at the Association’s HAA Gallery in Suomenlinna. The gallery is located in the pink-plastered Jetty Barracks building right next to the main quay. The office includes a limited curated selection of work by the familiar member artists including various styles and techniques, i.a. paintings, sculptures, graphic art, and photographs. The work can be found in the online gallery with the location information (in Finnish only).
The office can be visited during the opening hours of HAA Gallery Tue–Thu at 12am–6pm and Fri–Sat at 12am–4pm (Sun at 12am–4pm). NB: During the opening week of every new exhibition the gallery is closed due to set-up on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the opening hours on Sunday vary according to the exhibition in question. For more information, please check the ongoing exhibitions on the gallery’s webpage.

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