Welcome to Celebrate the 30-year-old Art Lending Services on this Saturday, 8 February 2025 at 12–4pm!

30th anniversary logo of the Helsinki Artists' Association Art Lending services

We will soon have a big birthday party for our beloved office! The brilliant programme includes openings of exhibitions, performance, and baroque dance – without forgetting a raffle of gift cards and an art café. In addition to the Art Lending office, the celebration takes place upstairs at the lobby of the library's Book Tower as well as the library's first-floor meeting room called Ture.

Birthday programme:

  • 12–4pm art café is open in the library's first-floor meeting room called Ture
  • 12–4pm opportunity to participate in a raffle of our brand new gift cards
  • 12–4pm opening of our 30th anniversary exhibition Brilliant!
  • 12–4pm opening of Lotta Määttänen's exhibition at Gallery Rikhard in the library lobby
  • 1pm opening greetings of Director of Helsinki Artists' Association Eeva Muona and Chair of Board Satu Kalliokuusi
  • from 1pm onwards presence of visual artist Petra Innanen's carnivalesque performance character Leila Halkeama
  • 2pm baroque dance upstairs at the lobby of the library's Book Tower, dancers Terhi Ketolainen and Ulla Paakkunainen (15 min)


Welcome to celebrate with us!




Rikhardinkatu Library | Rikhardinkatu 3, 00130 Helsinki
open Tue–Fri at 12–6pm and Sat–Sun at 12–4pm, Mon closed
+358 50 470 5298 | taidelainaamo@helsingintaiteilijaseura.fi