Contact information

Any questions on our art courses, art lending and gallery activities, or matters regarding membership? Contact us!

Customer service

Art Lending
@email | 050 470 5298
Tue–Fri 12–6pm, Sat–Sun 12–4pm, Mon closed

17 April 12–4pm
18–21 April closed
30 April 12–4pm
1 May closed
11 May closed
29 May closed

Summer 1 June–31 August:
Mon–Thu 12–6pm
Fri 12–4pm

Gallery Katariina
@email | 050 557 9990
Tue–Fri 11am–5pm, Sat–Sun 12–4pm

HAA Gallery
@email | 050 470 6087
Tue–Thu 12–6pm, Fri–Sat 12–4pm

Art School and Course Centre
@email | 050 470 5283
Mon–Fri 12–4pm

Member matters
050 468 6746
Tue–Thu 10am–2pm

Contact information of our offices and staff

Contact information

t. +358 50 470 5298

e-mail: @email

Rikhardinkatu 3, 00130 Helsinki

Opening hours:
Mon closed
Tue–Fri 12–6pm
Sat–Sun 12–4pm

17 April 12–4pm
18–21 April closed
30 April 12–4pm
1 May closed
11 May closed
29 May closed

Summer 1 June–31 August:
Mon–Thu 12–6pm
Fri 12–4pm

Sijainti kartalla


Aura Jaakkola
Communications Coordinator | Customer Service
t. +358 50 534 5293
Laura Kansanen-Stavale
Project Coordinator | Customer Service
t. +358 50 470 5298
Taina Kokkonen
Customer Service
t. +358 50 470 5298
Terhi Ketolainen
Customer Service
t. +358 50 470 5298
Tinja Kari
Customer Service
t. +358 50 470 5298
Pipsa Puustinen
Customer Service
t. +358 50 470 5298

Contact information

Gallery Katariina

t. +358 50 550 3811

e-mail: @email

Rikhardinkatu 1, 00130 Helsinki

Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11am–5pm Sat–Sun 12–4pm

Sijainti kartalla
HAA Gallery

t. +358 50 470 6087


Suomenlinna C1, 00190 Helsinki

Opening hours
Tue–Thu 12–6pm Fri–Sat 12–4pm

Sijainti kartalla


Anja Lehtovuori
Exhibition Coordinator
t. +358 50 557 9990
Kenneth Söderlund
Customer Service
Alex Markwith
Assistant | Customer Service

Contact information

t. 050 470 5283
e-mail: @email

Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1, staircase A, 3rd floor, 00180 Helsinki

The main entrance to the Cable Factory is the covered lobby called Glass courtyard (address Kaapelinaukio 3). The entrance to the Art School can be found through staircase A inside the Glass courtyard.

Accessible entrance can be found through staircase B. In the school facilities, there is an accessible toilet and no thresholds.

Opening hours
Office open Mon–Fri 12–4pm

Sijainti kartalla


Armi Nurminen
t. +358 44 583 3844
Tom Sjöberg
Course Secretary
t. +358 50 470 5283
Emma Gustafsson
tila- ja materiaalijärjestäjä
+358 44 725 0008

Contact information

Helsingin Taiteilijaseura ry

Tallberginkatu 1 A 7, 00180 Helsinki

t. +358 50 468 6746

Board of Helsinki Artists’ Association 2024

Satu Kalliokuusi, Chair
Miia Kallio, Vice Chair
Erik Creutziger
Helena Hartman
Pauliina Jokela
Maikki Korhonen
Kukka-Maaria Kärki
Selja Raudas
Mari Sydänmaanlakka

Sijainti kartalla


Satu Kalliokuusi
Chair of Board
t. +358 45 326 4416
Eeva Muona
t. +358 44 273 1306
Sari Mäntysola
Association Secretary
t. +358 46 920 7988
Eija Saarivirta
The HAA Europe and business services development projects
t. +358 44 055 1678

Invoicing details

Helsingin Taiteilijaseura ry
Business ID: 0221143-4
E-invoice address: 003702211434
Operator ID: 003721291126

In case sending e-invoices is not possible, please send the paper purchase invoices directly to the following scanning service:

Helsingin Taiteilijaseura ry
80020 Kollektor Scan

or by email: