Riikka Ahlfors:
Liminal Space

Riikka Ahlfors: Sunrise of the Sunset (2024, öljy kankaalle, 143 x 189 cm)
Image | Riikka Ahlfors: Sunrise of the Sunset (2024, öljy kankaalle, 143 x 189 cm)

Liminal Space

The paintings Escape Impossible and Sunrise of the Sunset explore themes of universal boundaries and contrasts. Escape Impossible captures the concept of a black hole's event horizon, where escape is impossible—a metaphor for the major crises of our time, from which we seem unable to find a way out. Sunrise of the Sunset plays with the cyclic nature of life and opposites, merging endings with beginnings and blurring the line between time and transformation. Through these works, the concept of a liminal space is examined—a moment where we are trapped between two extremes, striving to understand not only the vastness of the universe but also the consequences of our own actions.

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