ARABIANRANTA LIBRARY | Johanna Virtanen: Drops of Light 8 April – 24 May, 2024

Arabianranta Library presents the exhibition Drops of Light by Johanna Virtanen 8 April – 24 May, 2024.


Image: Johanna Virtanen – Valon pisaroita (Drops of Light), 2023, mixed media, 80x59x14 cm


Johanna Virtanen: Drops of Light 

"I'm interested in the aesthetics of the line and slowly built constructions. The art works in this exhibition are light, delicately woven together with threads. I have also used various everyday plastic waste as materials, for example plastic packaging, from which I have tried to build visually and content-interesting elements into my works. I look for the worthless, classified as waste and thrown away material and try to create something new, beautiful and expressive from it. In my recent works, I have often reflected on the fragility of life both from an individual's point of view and from the point of view of our planet. The negative effects of human activity on the environment often create a dystopian story about the future. In addition to this, I would like to use my works to tell the story of man's human desire to create beauty around himself and to look for horizons of hope despite everything."


Johanna Virtanen is a visual artist from Helsinki. She has held several solo exhibitions, as well as participated in numerous joint exhibitions both at home and abroad. The materials and the visual and content messages hidden in them often serve as the starting point of the works.  

Arabianranta Library | Hämeentie 135 A, 00560 Helsinki Opening hours Mon–Thu 8am–8pm, Fri 8am–4pm, Sat 10am–4pm


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