MALMITALO GALLERY | Terhi Ekebom: The Canopy 21 December, 2023 – 20 January, 2024

Malmitalo gallery presents the exhibition The Canopy by Terhi Ekebom 21 December, 2023 – 20 January, 2024. Welcome to the exhibition opening on Wednesday, 20 December 5–7pm!

Image: Terhi Ekebom – Puussa (In a tree)

Terhi Ekebom: The Canopy

The exhibition explores the experience of human isolation, the challenge of connection, and the relationship with nature and nature's right to exist as itself.

In the series of works, a small figure climbs high among the trees. Why is she there? Why so high, far from others? The forest is drawn partly as abstract details, depicting the rhythms of trees, lichens and leaves. Sometimes the attention of the works is focused on the micro level, sometimes on a wider perspective. The series of works is realized with serigraphy technique and it has a visual narrative, a continuum of movement and rhythm.

In connection with the works one can hear the soundworld The Canopy / The Roots composed by Sebastian Boulter.

Malmitalo gallery
Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00700 Helsinki
Mon–Thu 8–8 pm, Fri 8–6 pm, Sat 10–4 pm


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