GALLERY KATARIINA | Arto Nurro: In This World 7–23 October, 2022

Gallery Katariina presents the exhibition In This World by Arto Nurro from September 7th until October 23rd, 2022.   

Welcome to the exhibition opening on Thursday 6th October from 5 to 7pm!     

We follow the current guidelines by Regional State Administrative Agencies to ensure a safe exhibition visit.  

Kuva | Image: Water***Water (everywhere nor any drop to drink), 2022     

Arto Nurro: In This World  

"You can never please anybody in this world."   

(The Shaggs: Philosophy of the World 

In This World is Arto Nurro’s thirteenth solo exhibition in Helsinki. It consists of works on paper done with different ways of drawing, and paper as material is used in many ways. In these drawing based paintings, the line is the ruling element while it is sometimes fast and spontaneous, and sometimes prolonged.   

Drawing has been done with brush, pencils, cutting with knife and tearing the paper to achieve collage. For example, the work titled as Water***Water (everywhere nor any drop to drink) has been first drawn with rod and ink only in minutes, to achieve fast and less controllable line. After that, line structure has been cut with knife, and it took several weeks. Grey noise (Re-make) is done with dotting the paper with graphite pencil in tautophonic process.   

Nurro’s works are abstract but only to a certain point, and with associating elements. The artist uses intuition in his visual thinking in creating images, but he is also inspired by Greek myths and cultural layers from Bible to Iron Maiden.   

Arto Nurro's artistic work has been supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Uusimaa and Arts Promotion Centre Finland.      

Gallery Katariina, Rikhardinkatu 1, 00130 Helsinki   
Open Tue–Fri 11–5 pm, Sat–Sun 12–4 pm  


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