Elina Lehtoranta:
Wait a moment

Arabianranta Library presents the exhibition Wait a moment by Elina Lehtoranta 3 December, 2024 – 30 January, 2025.
Wait what happens next? Little everyday moments crusted with a fairytale dust. Leaving the viewer to ask a question what is about to happen in the next picture. Pastel shade paintings are bringing a magical glaze during the darkest time of the year.
"Wait a moment is exhibition that is full of laughter and play. It's my personal bow towards the magical world of animation that I had a pleasure to get to know with in last winter during my studies. The theme in this exhibition is all about joy and little moments that might be just true, and you may find familiar faces if you look closely. All paintings are made with acrylic on canvas and are painted in 2024. I believe that art can be fun and a place where you can play also as an adult."
Elina Lehtoranta is Helsinki-based visual artist and Master of Arts. She has studied in Pekka Halosen Akatemia, Aalto University School of Arts and Design and in Turku Academy of Arts. Lehtoranta works with painting and media art. Themes in her art explore topics such as feminism and ableism, but she cleverly camouflages these issues by incorporating fluffy animals and a layer of humour.
Arabianranta Library
Hämeentie 135 A, 00560 Helsinki
Mon–Thu 8am–8pm
Fri 8am–4pm
Sat 10am–4pm