MALMITALO GALLERY | Lotta Leka: Weed January 12– February 4, 2023

Malmitalo gallery presents Lotta Leka's exhibition Weed 1 January – 4 February, 2023.

Welcome to the exhibition opening on Wednesday, 11th January 5–7 pm!

Image: Andréa Vannucchi   Lotta Leka: Weed Lotta Leka's works are based on the 159 different species of plants growing in her backyard. In the garden, the wild, planted, tamed, and spread live side by side. The works are a celebration of the wildness, diversity, and beauty of weeds. We can favor natural plants in the hundred thousand of home yards around Finland. Large-scale protection of forests and swamps is important, but so are our activities in our own environment. The exhibition encourages, through the knowledge of plants, to protect diversity, habitats, plants, and pollinators. Species and the ecosystems they consist of provide humans with the conditions to stay alive.     The works also describe the peace brought by nature, which smooths the mind and brings concentration to the essentials. Leka combines monotype, aquarelle, cyanotype and sewing, and makes ceramic installations.    The exhibition has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Turku and Turun Taideyhdistys. 


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