GALLERY ARTHUR | Heini Lehväslaiho: Anyone is here 3–31 May 2024

Heini Lehväslaiho: Höyhensaari / Feather Island
(2023, graphite, feather, 40 x 30 cm)


Anyone Anyonesson is a combination of hamster, dog, and monkey. She was born with wings on her back, but she had to let them go at an early age. She misses her wings, but notices that it is also possible to fly with the help of imagination and presence. Like for all of us, stopping before everyday phenomena and wondering about things are also for Anyone the keys to seeing things in a new way. She also presses limitations and goes beyond boundaries by simply and earnestly believing it is possible. Gazing down a dark hole, she says: "In anything that you are able to see, there is at least some light."

My series of work called Anyone is here has been presented in several exhibitions since 2022, and I am also working on a book of Anyone’s adventures.

For my inspiration, I look for the unity of humans, animals, and all nature. I often picture animals as strong and humans vulnerable, and sometimes merge people and animals. Despite of being incomplete, the human being is part of nature, which in its own right is perfect.

Having been a Helsinki-based photographer for 20 years, I now live as an artist in the Finnish countryside in Pernaja.


Heini Lehväslaiho


Welcome to meet the artist on Friday, 31 May at 4–5.30pm!


The work of Heini Lehväslaiho in the Art Lending selection



Rikhardinkatu Library | Rikhardinkatu 3, 00130 Helsinki
opening hours Tue–Fri 12–6pm, Sat–Sun 12–4pm, Mon closed
+358 50 470 5298 |