'Shades of Red' Birthday Exhibition of the Art Lending office 8 February–17 March 2024

Heini Turunen: Mielikuvamatkailua
(Vision Voyaging, 2012, akryyli / acrylic, 60 x 70 cm)


Happy birthday to the 29-year-old Art Lending office!


In 2024, the traditional Birthday Exhibition of the Art Lending office will be curated by the Art Lending staff celebrating the beautiful pieces already found at the office. The theme is Shades of Red – all things love-filled, coy, and strong. All pieces are found in the Art Lending online gallery and can be directly bought or lent.

The exhibition will be on display 8 February–17 March 2024. The opening will be celebrated on Thursday, 8 February at 5–7pm, which marks both the official birthday of the office as well as the Finnish name day of Laina (loan in Finnish, cf. Taidelainaamo). The programme includes meeting artist Nanna Jalkanen, whose exhibition Traces from the Primordial Sea – Paintings is on display at Gallery Rikhard in the Rikhardinkatu Library lobby in February. Additionally, coffee and pulla will be served throughout the birthday and a raffle of gift cards will be organised.




This year, all the Art Lending theme exhibitions highlight colour. The thematic colours of the summer and Christmas exhibitions are blue and green.


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