GALLERY KATARIINA | Jussi Matilainen: Grand Tour 28 October – 13 November, 2022

Gallery Katariina presents the exhibition Grand Tour by Jussi Matilainen 28 October – 13 November, 2022.

Welcome to the exhibition opening on Thursday, 27 October 5–7 pm!


Jussi Matilainen: Paris3, print on aluminium composite panel, 2022

Jussi Matilainen: Grand Tour   The exhibition Grand Tour by Jussi Matilainen is a virtual journey. Matilainen has used Google's 3D views of Las Vegas as material in his works. The city in the middle of the desert is a fantastic jumble of exoticism and imitations. From the Great Pyramid of Luxor, you can easily get to New York via King Arthur's Castle. The classic destinations of tourism, Paris and Venice, can be found next door. The city without history borrows a little from every direction. Its aesthetics are overwhelming, it's a game that tempts you to ignore reality, whatever it is.   The modeled fantasy world behaves in unexpected ways. Through the facades you can enter the world of digital hallucinations. Architecture breaks down producing new forms. Indoor and outdoor spaces mix, sometimes the ground opens up and the starry sky becomes visible. The disordered geometry encloses organic forms like tumors. Inside the casino complexes it is deserted but not empty.   The time spent in unreality seems to stretch. The material stored as a souvenir continues to be modified and copied, the connection to the real world becomes thinner round by round. The images do not prove the presence of humans, but the ability of machines to dream. The transition from representations of reality to the virtual world is happening slowly.   The exhibition has been supported by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation and the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. 


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