GALLERY RIKHARD | Hannamari Jalovaara: In Vitro 4–31 July 2023

Hannamari Jalovaara: In Vitro 10 (2023, digi print, 56 x 43 cm)

Similarly to a contaminated culture or biological specimen on a microscope slide, the inks, paints and dyes that I use interact with each other, often refusing to settle, fix and find permanence. Not unlike aesthetically pleasing particles and specimens on a glass slide, the work presents for observation – but only momentarily. The image captured by the scanner is one of fluid impermanence where the media is already degrading leaving an unsettling sense of something not behaving in an expected manner.

Being a printmaker, I view my temporal painting as a printmaking matrix. My process involves scanning and enlarging the painting, and producing a digital archival print of a very limited edition.

Hannamari Jalovaara is a member of the Association of Finnish Printmakers and the Helsinki Artists’ Association. She lives and works in Vancouver, Canada.

Welcome to celebrate the opening of the exhibition on Thursday, 6 July at 5–6.30!


The work of Hannamari Jalovaara in the Art Lending selection
Artist Register



Rikhardinkatu Library | Rikhardinkatu 3, 00130 Helsinki
open during the opening hours of the Rikhardinkatu Library
+358 50 470 5298 |


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